Corona weather hourly 92882
Corona weather hourly 92882

Temperature hovers around 27°c and at night it feels like 18°c. For the most part the humidity is around 47%. In the month of September on average Corona (92882) gets 6.87mm of rain and approximately 0 rainy days in the month. Corona (92882) weather in Septemberĭaytime temperature stays around 31°c and at night it goes to 21°c. In August, Corona (92882) gets 8.24mm of rain and approximately 0 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 32°c and at night it feels like 22°c. For the most part the humidity is around 49%. In the month of July on average Corona (92882) gets 11.96mm of rain and approximately 1 rainy days in the month. Corona (92882) weather in Julyĭaytime temperature stays around 30°c and at night it goes to 21°c. In June, Corona (92882) gets 1.53mm of rain and approximately 0 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 28°c and at night it feels like 18°c. For the most part the humidity is around 57%. In the month of May on average Corona (92882) gets 9.68mm of rain and approximately 1 rainy days in the month. Corona (92882) weather in Mayĭaytime temperature stays around 24°c and at night it goes to 15°c. In April, Corona (92882) gets 22.47mm of rain and approximately 1 rainy days in the month.

corona weather hourly 92882

Temperature hovers around 23°c and at night it feels like 13°c. For the most part the humidity is around 55%. In the month of March on average Corona (92882) gets 39.42mm of rain and approximately 2 rainy days in the month. Corona (92882) weather in Marchĭaytime temperature stays around 21°c and at night it goes to 11°c. In February, Corona (92882) gets 66.80mm of rain and approximately 2 rainy days in the month. Temperature hovers around 20°c and at night it feels like 10°c. For the most part the humidity is around 46%. In the month of January on average Corona (92882) gets 62.37mm of rain and approximately 2 rainy days in the month. Corona (92882) weather in Januaryĭaytime temperature stays around 20°c and at night it goes to 10°c. If you would just like to know what the weather was for a past dates for research or education or you are just curious then visit our historical weather of Corona (92882) section. Travelling to Corona (92882)? Check out our Weather averages of Corona (92882) to better plan your holiday or travel. Which months receive most rainfall in Corona (92882)?ĭecember and February receive most rainfall with precipitation count of 79.19mm. Coldest months of Corona (92882)?ĭecember and January are the coldest months with temperature at around 10°c. In these month temperature is at around 23°c and average of 344.9286 hours of sunshine in a month. The windiest of all days will be Sunday 4 th September as wind will reach 12mph or 20kmph at around 4 pm.Īpril and May are the best month to go for holiday or travel to Corona (92882). Make sure to carry an umbrella if you are out and about in 92882, Corona, California. The national weather service for 92882, Corona, California is reporting Saturday 3 rd September to be the wettest day in the coming week with around 0.60mm or 0.0 inches of rainfall. In the same week the minimum temperature will be 26℃ or 79℉ on Friday 2 nd September at around 6 am. Looking at the weather in 92882, Corona, California over the week, the maximum temperature will be 44℃ (or 110℉) on Saturday 3 rd September at around 2 pm. What is the weather in 92882, Corona, California for today, tomorrow and beyond? * WHAT.Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures 85 to 95Įffective: T21:31:00-07:00 Expires: T20:00:00-07:00 Certainty: Likely Event: Excessive Heat Warning Type: Alert Severity: Moderate Urgency: Expected Areas: Orange County Inland Wear light weight and loose fitting clothing whenĮffective: T21:31:00-07:00 Expires: T20:00:00-07:00 Certainty: Likely Event: Excessive Heat Warning Type: Alert Severity: Moderate Urgency: Expected Areas: Orange County Coastal Know the signs and symptoms of heat exhaustion and heat Possible, reschedule strenuous activities to early morning orĮvening. Take extra precautions if you work or spend time outside. Hot weather when car interiors can reach lethal temperatures in a

corona weather hourly 92882

YoungĬhildren and pets should never be left unattended in vehicles Of the sun, and check up on relatives and neighbors. Instruction: Drink plenty of fluids, stay in an air-conditioned room, stay out Working or participating in outdoor activities. Potential for heat related illnesses, particularly for those * IMPACTS.Extreme heat will significantly increase the

corona weather hourly 92882

* WHERE.Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills. * WHAT.Dangerously hot conditions with temperatures 97 to 105 EXCESSIVE HEAT WARNING REMAINS IN EFFECT UNTIL 8 PM PDT Effective: T21:31:00-07:00 Expires: T20:00:00-07:00 Certainty: Likely Event: Excessive Heat Warning Type: Alert Severity: Moderate Urgency: Expected Areas: Santa Ana Mountains and Foothills

Corona weather hourly 92882